Sexy Lingerie! It was the first thing that I know about Victoria’s Secret and it was the brand of underwear, panties etc. After I read the Web Launch (p.3-4) and I saw on the web VictoriasSecretCom. I got some new knowledge that I never know it before. For me, I understood that Victoria’s Secret begins to present their products on the web site .And there was an advertisement for expansion their products by web site, TV and newspaper. This point, I thought it was a great idea that will make consumer to know quickly in everywhere .They began to build this brand in their country. Not for a long time, Victoria’s Secret became a leader brand in online and customer knew its very well. Consumer can order the product to pass on the web site. It was comfortable and easy for consumer. After that, Victoria web site had a lot of viewers and can beat other brands such as Amazon and PayPal. Why? Because Victoria’s Secret had a different way to sell their products, speed accessibility to consumer and vast invesment so it quickly grew other brands.
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